{"id":5554,"date":"2019-09-12T08:28:22","date_gmt":"2019-09-12T08:28:22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thewanderwit.com\/?p=5554"},"modified":"2019-09-11T13:36:39","modified_gmt":"2019-09-11T13:36:39","slug":"these-deconstructed-portraits-are-inspired-by-people-living-in-digital-worlds","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thewanderwit.com\/these-deconstructed-portraits-are-inspired-by-people-living-in-digital-worlds\/","title":{"rendered":"These Deconstructed Portraits are Inspired by People Living in Digital Worlds"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

The works of Argentinian painter Juan Manuel Sanabria present an intriguing mix of tradition and modern times. While he uses the traditional painting techniques, the themes within his artwork are quite new. \n\n\n\n

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\u00a1Viva Frida! . As\u00ed como el s\u00e1bado pasado fue el cumplea\u00f1os de Frida, hoy se cumplen 65 a\u00f1os desde su partida. Una semana exacta, entre fecha y fecha, la semana de frida; y en homenaje a una de sus obras m\u00e1s emblem\u00e1ticas, no pod\u00eda pintar solo una. . Just as last Saturday was Frida's birthday, today 65 years have passed since she left us. An exact week, between date and date; and in homage to one of his most emblematic works, I couldn't just paint only one. . "Pies pa' que los quiero si tengo alas pa' volar" Oleo sobre lienzo 60cm x 50cm . . #lasdosfridas #vivafrida #frida #fridakahlo #piesparaqueosquierositengoalasparavolar #popsurrealism #popsurrealart #popart #pop #newcontemporaryart #newcontemporary #modern #painting #lowbrowart #portrait #beautifulbizarre #hifructose #juxtapoz #defragmentation #archenemyarts #juanmasana

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