Someone Compiled All the Art References Made in “The Simpsons”

The Simpsons is one of the most iconic TV shows ever made. Despite airing for more than three decades, this animated sitcom still captivates the attention of viewers and remains an important piece of pop culture.

One of the reasons for The Simpsons’ success is its ability to make smart and funny references to past, current, and future events. This includes all aspects of human creativity, including art.

Throughout the years, The Simpsons made all sorts of references and takes on various classical artworks. Some of them were obvious, coming in the form of Simpsons-style paintings, while others were easy to miss unless you are an avid art enthusiast.

Luckily, there is no need to rewatch all The Simpsons episodes to catch the art references you might have missed. An Instagram account, @criminalsimpsons, recently compiled all the art references made in “The Simpsons.”

The person behind the account matched the scenes from The Simpsons with the artworks they reference. This includes the show’s take on “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch, “The Dream” by Henry Rousseau, “The Death of Marat” by Jaques Louis David, and “The Girl at the Mirror” by Norman Rockwell.

Check out all the art references made in “The Simpsons” below and @criminalsimpsons for more.